Friday, July 24, 2009

Bay's first really nasty boo boo

I have to preface this post a bit so bear with me...

Whiskers has been driving us nuts for the past 12 hours. She is getting into everything and won't leave us alone (she is usually like this after we return home from a trip! Today she was being her bad self and jumped up into the pantry onto the lowest shelf of canned goods. I tried to scare her out but Bay thought it was great having her cornered at his level. In the process of trying to get her out a can of string beans fell off the shelf and onto bares bare foot. This was the result...
I don't know if Bay has ever screamed quite that hard before. I thought it just scared him but when I looked at his foot I could see that it was painful. I feel terrible that he got hurt but am grateful that it ended up just being a scrape and a nasty bruise rather than a broken foot. As a result of this fun episode we are not having the pantry door closed at all times in order to prevent further incidents like this one

1 comment:

Annie. said...

Ooooh poor guy. Ouch! Accidents happen.