Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Somehow I was either convinced or just pain crazy and decided to get my self into shape again. I guess the realization that I have not lost the baby weight and my baby is going to be a toddler in 2 months kinda kicked me into gear. So the the guys at the fire stations have been swearing by the following fitness system so after watching the infomercials and seeing the stay at home moms doing it I have decided to put it to the test. I beginning to wonder what I was thinking when I noticed it says extreme home fitness....yikes!
I am two days into it and sore beyond belief but I keep telling myself if it wasn't working so well I wouldn't be sore. Last night Jeff and I did the video together and then took pictures in our work out clothes so that we could measure the progress. Out of embarrassment I am not posting those pictures at this time. Maybe if I get ripped and look amazing I will do one at 30 days one at 60 and one at 90.

With the workout came the desire to eat healthy. I know that I dont get enough protein in my diet and I am seriously addicted to sugar. ON the Today whow a few weeks back they said if we all cut our sugar intake we would loose over 10 lbs a year...wow count me in. So I am eating lean lots of veggis, and a few fruits. Basically its low carb but also not loaded with unhealthy fats. The best part is that I dont have to starve myself and have found things like these bars below. They totally taste like candy bars to me...so if you are looking for a snack that will fill you up and is really tasty give these two flavors a try they are amazing...trust me I hate bars and these are good!peanut butter cookie....sooo good!

chocolate peppermint stick..how can this be healthy and taste so good?

Well wish me luck as I torture myslef but it is all for a good cause. New body here I come!

1 comment:

Annie. said...

No way...that's rad! I have 2 other friends doing p90x! I think they love it. Gooooo Rachel!