Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It offical we are in idaho

Alright so we have officially moved back to Idaho....We got here late Saturday evening. Things are going well so far . Today was the real test..the test to see if I can survive 24 hours without any help from anyone with the little guy. I have to admit I was kinda scared for this day to come, and I really don't like not having my family close in case I need them. I am lucky enough to at least have Jeff's sister and some friends on the fire department that I would feel comfortable calling in a pinch so that is a good thing. I have been pretty lucky as Bay has slept a good part of the day, hes been so tired he has taken lots of naps between his little bouts of fussiness. A sleeping baby is such a beautiful thing especially for a mother.

It has been a really hard adjustment moving back. I am already lonely while Jeff is gone. I love the house we are renting, but I miss having girl time. I hope that I can re-connect with old friends here and develop some good friends to spend time with and do the girly things again.

Hope you enjoy the fairly recent pictures of bay that I have posted, he is officially 4 months now, my how time seems to fly when you have a little one.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Moving Update

Alright so we are already on the move, well one of us is (along with all of our belongings). Jeff decided last moment that he wanted to take the plunge and just do it. He had his dad fly in early this morning (Friday) and we rented a u-haul. They packed up our stuff from the storage unit as well as our stuff at the house and off off Jeff and his dad went. As of now they are in Pendelton Oregon going to stay the night since they are exhausted and its raining cats and dogs. They hope to get up early in the morning and head out to the house and get unpacking.

I swear that our cat is the most curious cat on the face of this planet. She notices every change that ever occurs in a room. She has been going nuts re-examining all of the furniture and how it changes over and over again as new boxes emerge and move around, its pretty funny. Yesterday I caught her hanging out in the dresser, it was soo funny. Well that is about it for us for now, well will keep this updated as things change.

Monday, September 15, 2008

It never ends

So lets just say that it has been a banner week for us. Jeff was not able to come home (its been 2 weeks now since we have seen him), we had leaks at the duplex and now we have a fire to add to the mix. Yes I said fire! Jeff called me Sunday afternoon and says do you want to know the really bad news or the worser news, yes those were the exact words. How do you respond to that? I just said tell me the worst news first then maybe the bad news would not sound so bad. Basically it was a grease fire that caused a couple thousand dollars worth of damage. The good news is the homeowners insurance, the bad is we have a deductible that has to be met. So life continues to be an adventure .

So we (Bay and I) had a good weekend except for the fact that I miss my husband like crazy. My sister and her family were in from Montana. We went up to Portland to Chapman school to watch the swifts. What are swifts you say? They are small little birds that make their home in this chimney each fall. Check out the video. There are hundreds of thousands of them that swirl in a tornado like fashion into the schools chimney each night to roost.

I took bay to his first aquatic center...no I did not put him all in the water, just his feet and he loved it! He got so excited his chin began to quiver, it was so cute. He liked the warm water on his feet. I can't wait until he is old enough to go in the water more next summer.

We also had a family treasure hunt that my parents planned that was awesome. We had all the grandkids in town and it was hilarious! My dad buried a treasure chest in the woods and my mom did all the hard work of putting the whole thing together and buying all of the awesome props and toys for the kids. What a fantastic idea.

Bay...My little pirate

Arrrg! Shiver me timbers

Kira, Xander, Grandpa, Bay, Kalvin Matt and Talmage

Bay also had his first lollipop. Okay so not the real thing but he gummed up the wrapper really good it was sooo funny. He is grabbing everything all of the time, he is such a good baby. I just cant wait to see what Jeff thinks when he sees him, he will be amazed at how much he has changed in the past 2 weeks. We sure are.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I was just looking through my "older" pictures and even though this was taken a month ago I love this picture. I took it on the cyanotype setting so that it why it has the bluish tint. Just thought I would share it with you all.

What a week!

As most of you know Jeff is in Idaho and I am in Oregon...well jeff was set to be here this week during his 4 days off but needless to say that did not happen for a variety of reasons. Remember how I said there was a project for jeff at the duplex, well it ended up being a series of awful projects that he has had to take care of singlehandedly this week, all of which are costing us lots of money. So to make a long story short we have a leak in our water line that goes from the street to the house, sounds like an easy problem find the leak fix it, not so much. Turns out the leak we can't find exactly where it is and its saturated the whole side of the yard. So Jeff is putting some ind of clamp on a leak that he was able to find and see what happens, maybe that will be it, or maybe its a much bigger one somewhere else who knows, anyhow if its a bigger leak we have to hire an excavator to come and dig up the yard since that will be the only way to fix it. Sounds expensive right...yeah gross huh? To add to this fun stuff our tenate called to tell us his hot water heater was out the next day, yup you guessed it it had to be replaced. I don't even want to talk about how much that cost us. So needless to say we didn't get to have Jeff come to oregon and spend his weekend with us, we now have to wait to see if we can figure out something for next week.

On a lighter happier note we got the keys to the house today, we will not be moving in for a week or so but we have the keys, jeff did a walk though and said it was great and that I would love it, I cant wait to see it and get settled for awhile, we need some peace and normalcy to our lives right now.

Finally I have to explain this picture, my mom asked my dad to pressure wash the front porch so he did only he left a message in the stairs, I just love to see him do the funny little things that show my mom he loves her, its neat to see as they have been married for over 30 years. I had to snap this picture before he goes back to erase the message and finish pressure washing the steps.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sweet Boy

I have decided that there is nothing sweeter than a happy baby, except for a sweet sleeping baby Bay has been kinda a handful for the past few days, I am convinced that it is because he misses his daddy. Its been an entire week since we saw him last and may be even longer with the new developments
I got a phone call from one of our tenate's telling us that he had a soft spot in his lawn near his A/C unit. Basically we are thinking that there is a leak in our main water line up to the house. This could get expensive. Jeff was going to come "home" to oregon tomorrow but since he has to check things out with the duplex it may be two weeks

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A place to call Home

alright so lets just say that the last few weeks of life have been miserable in the sense that we are house hunting or looking for somewhere to live. Jeff has been working and is running calls through the night so he isnt exactly excited about the thoughts of looking at a million apartments all over the place (and I completely understand). So to make his job easier I have spent an insane amount of time on the internet scoping out all of the places that may be worth his while. Alas no luck but one apartment close to the mall which had no openings until the end of the month. The price per month was alright but by the time we brought little whiskers into the picture and added the extra money for a deposit we would have to practically sell our firstborn to pay for the large lump sum due at signing. So we kept looking and he kept talking to co-workers and found us a place in a house.

When I say he found us a house I don't mean a little shack I mean a nice house take a look and you will see what I mean. The pictures above are from a website about the house. No that furniture isn't included unfortunately but we have some old stuff that will do the trick! So we are getting this for $50 dollars less a month, we have no deposit, no set or determined lease, and we dont have to rent a storage unit to store all the stuff that wont fit. This place is 150o+ square feet. A guy that Jeff works with is selling the house and is having no luck in the poor market, so since he has no-one in the place he is willing to give us a deal so he has some money coming in to pay for the mortgage. The only drawback is that if he sells the place before we are ready to move out we will have to move again...its terrible to say but I hope that house does not sell! So we don't have any dates or anything figured out for moving that is all in the works but we have a place I think to actually call home.

Oh on a side note it has some extra bedrooms so anyone that is wanting too can come and stay with us, we have plenty of room now. Come one come all.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Bay is growing up so fast! Its so exciting to see him do new things but saddening that hes not the little baby he once was. We cannot believe all of the new tricks that he is up to these days. Since we went to the coast just a week ago he has learned to bat at toys and reach for them (often grabbing them) he has learned to put pressure on his feet for an extended amount of time, and has once or twice even laughed.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

The last few days around here have been wonderful. For those of you that do not know Jeff is living in Idaho as he has gone back to work already and Bay and I are still in Oregon. This is not an arrangement that both of us are liking in fact its torture not having bay see his dad, but I think that it is even worse for his dad to be away from his son. We were fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend the weekend with Jeff. One of the guys that Jeff works with in Nama had a nephew that was going to Oregon so Jeff was able to hitch a ride and then fly back 3 days later. We did not do anything extravagant while he was here but just spent time together as a family which we all needed. Jeff loves his little boy more than I thought any man could love his child. Jeff is really good with Bay and Bay really responds to him. Its so sweet to watch when Jeff comes "home" to see Bay and how Bay lights up and smiles for his dad, there is nothing sweeter. I am hoping to take Bay with me to Idaho next week to help find some housing for us so we can all live together in the same state sometime soon, its so hard being away from him.