Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Life with Bay

Life with Bay is crazy and this video is proof!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

crazy couch video

Bay loves to horse around on anything that is soft. See what I mean?

are boys born like this too?

I don't know it anyone has seen the video about the little girl who is babbling non-stop in the car...if you haven't you need to check out the link below. If you have already then keep reading.

If you have already seen that video then you will appreciate Bay's version.

More random photos

I am still playing catch up on old photos, here are a few more of the things that we have been up and some of my favorite photos that we have taken.Last week one of our friends was in a jam and needed a sitter for her 3 and a half year old kid for 12 hours, guess who got to help? Yep me! I watched Cody for 12 hours in addition to Bay and Emma. It was a wild day but it went pretty well and we had fun playing with Cody. Here is a picture of her that we took at the ice cream shop. She is such a beautiful little girl and so sweet.
Here is what Emma looks like when Candace feeds her...sweet potatoes anyone?
We bought a bike trailer/stroller system called the chariot cougar. We just call it our cougar because we think that it is funny. Its so nice being able to have Jeff and I go on bike rides as a family now that bay has somewhere safe to sit. We have been trying it out with him and Emma since we bought a 2 seater and so far its been great. The kids like it and I like being able to get out of the house.
The car fetish continues. He still is way into knobs and cars these days. He always has one near by. We took this picture while we were at the really neat coffee shop near our house.
Yep another cute picture of Bay again. Every time I put the sunglasses on him he grins for awhile before he takes them off. I just love his smile in this one.

Monday, September 21, 2009

recent photos

I admit that I am so far behind on my blog that I am embarassed so I will just start with the random recent photos that I have taken of things that we have been up to. This first photo was taken at the park where we had Bay's birthday party. This tongue look is pretty typical these days I like to call it the "lizard look". We have no idea why his tongue is always out but it is...he is a strange one sometimes.
This next photo is funny because we brought this baby bouncer over to our house from Candace and Chad's with hopes to get Emma in it but look who likes it more than her. Yes he climbs in there and sometimes out by himself. He has spend way more time in there now than Emma has so far. I guess it is good that someone is liking it so much huh?
Finally the helmet photo. While we were at REI one night looking at helmets I decided to snap this photo because I thought his giggling and laughing over the helmet on his head were cute.

Well that is all for now. I promise as long as our internet cooperates that we will post more pictures again soon..rach

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

sleeping baby

I was looking through the last few sets of picture that I have taken and I couldn't help hut laugh as I noticed how many of them I have taken of him while he has been asleep.

I are still here...dont worry!

I know that I am way behind on posts but our internet is so slow at our house and I am pretty busy watching 2 kids for 9 hours a day. I have lots of photos to post but will have to do a bit at a time because of the connection speed. I guess I will just start with the oldest photos first and post a few at a time.

One evening during the summer we watched Emma so Chad and Candace could go and see a movie together. It is over 100 degrees outside so rather than walk around or spend time outside we took the kids to the Main Boise Library. Here are a few photos from our visit. Look at how fast Emma is growing up...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

bay loves the fountain

There is a fountain in the center of downtown eagle that I have been so excited to take Bay all summer. The first few times that we took him there this summer he cried and was scared of the water, so we took him swimming and from that point on he has loved the water. We take him there just about every week when we go to the Saturday Market and he get so excited to get into the water with all the other kids, its fun to watch him interact with other kids.