Thursday, April 30, 2009

Peek a boo

When Bay and I got home from tending Emma, Bay was really excited to see his daddy. I don't know wether Bay misses Jeff more or Jeff misses Bay more when his daddy is at work...I couldn't resist posting this is just way too cute.

Jeff is such an amazing dad and an even better husband. I feel so blessed (and spoiled) to have married such a wonderful man, and my best friend.


Like I have said before he is crawling up a storm, and fast if I might add. I shot this short video to show how fast the little guy can really go these days. I know that these days will be gone before we know it and he will be walking so we are taking it all in while we can. I love to watch him crawl

almost a toddler

It seems like only yesterday that bay was still a little newborn. My how he has grown! He is already 11 months now and seems to be giving us a daily preview of what we can expect for his toddler years. In addition to his obsession with wheels on things he has now discovered how cabinets open and there are things in them. He also is really into the handles on everything. I am bracing myself for the messes to come.
he discovered the tupperware cabinet this week...and the pots and pans cabinet...
and how to climb onto things...Just when I think that he can't get anymore adventurous he does something like this, look at the smug look on his face...he knows that he is so smart.
this only happens every day for about an hour or two... let me tell you I am sooo greatful that he takes naps.

Monday, April 27, 2009

floorset team-bridal shower

aimee and stephanie

we had a mini bridal shower for a girl that I work with at bath and body works before our floorset last night. It was fun we just got some gifts to wish her well on her wedding and had some treats before we clocked in and got to work. Can I just say i love camera timers. This is a really fun bunch of girls and it has been so nice getting to know them. The girl in the purple and black was the one who highlighted my hairi on Friday. I will have to post some pictures of my new blondie locks!

shark teeth

Jeff's has so lovingly coined the nickname "shark tooth" or "shark teeth" for Bay as his little sharp teeth have been coming in. He has 8 teeth already, 4 on top and 4 on bottom. Now I know that each child gets teeth in at different times but he is only 11 months and has a full set of choppers. To illustrate his love for biting and the damage that can be done with these little "shark teeth" I thought that I would post a picture of a couple of apples. I bet you can guess which one Bay got to...
On another note for all of you who may not already know we are moving AGAIN...yes you heard right we are going back to eagle to our duplex. It was a very hard decision for us since my dear friend was living in the side we were wanting to move back to. It was torture to tell her we needed to move back into our own place. Luckily she is the best and was understanding. One nice thing is she is moving a couple of doors down so we will be neighbors which I am very excited about. We will be moving over the month of firm dates yet but we hope to be pretty close to settled by memorial day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

spring is least for now

Over the weekend I decided to pick all of the tulips that we had in our yard so we could enjoy them in the house. Since we dont spend time in the yard of the house that we are renting I figure we may as well bring them inside. Main reason for not being outside is that bay is in that obsessively oral stage where he puts everything in his mouth or eats it...gross! We had so many that I gave a bouquet to Candace and Chad and kept one for ourselves. I love having flowers in the house it makes me happy!

nice huh?

Ummm yeah! Nice don't you think. I was behind this car or whatever you want to call it on my way home last night and just had to say "are you kidding me?" I am still unsure what possesses people to do this to their I the only one who thinks this is sooo lame?

Monday, April 20, 2009

bay likes to swing

On Saturday evening after the guys finished their race we took the kids to the school where Jeff's sister Candace works so he could try out the swings at the playground...I just thought he looked really cute in this picture.

they went, they ran, they survived...

The Robie Creek Half Marathon has come and gone. The race called "the toughest half marathon in the northwest" took place Saturday afternoon. Jeff ran with his brother in law Chad and friend Joey. They all did very well this year. Jeff shaved about 10-12 mins of his time from last year and came in just over 2 hours. They all survived the run without any seriouse injury (with the exception of Jeff's second toe...see photo below). All of us wives were able to ride up to the finish line together to greet our husbands and enjoy some of the after race festivities. It was really nice because Jeff's parents came up and watch the kidlets so we didnt have to drag them up into the mountains. Here are a couple of pictures from the race....

Jeff, Joey, and Chad right after they finished the race
Look at all the people...there were around 2600 runners in the even plus and as you can see
lots of others that came for support or to help out for the after race festivities.
Jeff's nasty toe...I wonder if the nail will fall off...he had the same issue last year

Enjoying each other's company and the free food after the race!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Robie Creek

Robie Creek the scenery on the way to the race!

Elevation Gain for the Race
Tomorrow is the big day for Jeff and about 2300 other people, it is the day they torture their bodies as they do the toughest half marathon in the Northwestern United State. It is the date that many people forsake their toenails for a t-shirt and their name with their race results in the newspaper the following day.

Okay so maybe that is a bit dramatic but I cant imagine why anyone would want to put their body through that kind of pain. You can see how hard of a run it is from the graphic. I am just hoping that Jeff will not injure himself. He has had some trouble with one of his tendon's so if it is really bad he may not be able to race at all, it would be sad to see him miss the race especially since he has trained for it this year...Hopefully at the end of tomorrow we will just have some race photos to post and not some bad news that he couldn't race...stay tuned

Easter 2009

This year we went to see Jeff's parents for Easter and ended up being able to see his grandma, aunt uncle, and cousin and his wife. We spent the day just visiting and grazing over some yummy food. It was really nice to have some nice weather that included warmer temperatures and some sunshine ( minus the wind). We are glad to have some family close by to share the holidays with! I am including some photos of our visit...look at how much cute little Emma has grown shes only about 3 inches shorter than bay and about 5 lbs less and she is only 6 months younger...Bay is a tall little bean these days!what's up doc? Caught him in a funny expression here!

Momma and Emma, can you tell they are related?

One of Jeff's favorite things, nap time with little bean!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

new tricks

so bay is learning how to do so many things so quickly...this week he did some standing unassisted in the middle of the room for about 15 seconds before he realized that he was not being held. It is neat to watch how his little mind works. He is still chattering away all of the time and is a very active kid. He is easily amused and does lots of exploratory play by himself but still loves peek-a-boo and wresting with us. Its fun being able to watch him grow but at the same time it makes me sad to see him getting big so fast since he will never be little again. I just try to take it all in and enjoy every moment of this wonderful blessing in our life. I am including a video that I took today of him playing with a chair around candace and chads house...pretty funny! He should be walking any day now!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Our attempt at Easter photos

Can I first just say I love target! A couple of weeks ago I bought these bunny ears for $1.00 in preparation for Easter photos. Last night we decided to get adventurous and attempt to take pictures of my niece and bay in their backyard. Now keep in mind that Emma cant sit up by herself and Bay cant sit still so it ended up being quite amusing. Just for laughs I am posting some pictures so enjoy and have a good laugh we sure did!

Bay and Emma in their Easter Outfits..this really is the best picture we got!

daddy entertaining "the bean"
"whats up doc?"
Easter isn't always fun!


Somehow I was either convinced or just pain crazy and decided to get my self into shape again. I guess the realization that I have not lost the baby weight and my baby is going to be a toddler in 2 months kinda kicked me into gear. So the the guys at the fire stations have been swearing by the following fitness system so after watching the infomercials and seeing the stay at home moms doing it I have decided to put it to the test. I beginning to wonder what I was thinking when I noticed it says extreme home fitness....yikes!
I am two days into it and sore beyond belief but I keep telling myself if it wasn't working so well I wouldn't be sore. Last night Jeff and I did the video together and then took pictures in our work out clothes so that we could measure the progress. Out of embarrassment I am not posting those pictures at this time. Maybe if I get ripped and look amazing I will do one at 30 days one at 60 and one at 90.

With the workout came the desire to eat healthy. I know that I dont get enough protein in my diet and I am seriously addicted to sugar. ON the Today whow a few weeks back they said if we all cut our sugar intake we would loose over 10 lbs a count me in. So I am eating lean lots of veggis, and a few fruits. Basically its low carb but also not loaded with unhealthy fats. The best part is that I dont have to starve myself and have found things like these bars below. They totally taste like candy bars to if you are looking for a snack that will fill you up and is really tasty give these two flavors a try they are me I hate bars and these are good!peanut butter cookie....sooo good!

chocolate peppermint can this be healthy and taste so good?

Well wish me luck as I torture myslef but it is all for a good cause. New body here I come!

Friday, April 3, 2009

a snapshot of this week

So yet again we have had a very busy week. Jeff has been studying for a map test for work, I have been taking care of the kids, and we had a dr appt for little guy. His dr appointment went great. He didnt have to get shots, but instead a prick on his finger to check his iorn levels (which were good). He is in the 75th precentile for his legnth and the 25th for his weight so he is a long skinny bean. I decided to post some random pictures because I thought that they were cute. so enjoy!

This first one is how bay and the cat spend their afternoons, turns out they have something in common they both love to look out windows and see what is going on in the world.
This is the waiting room at bay's Dr office. The guy is from Louisiana and is a huge gators fan. He has his whole office done in a Bayou theme full of alligators. Notice the two doors one for adults one for kids, Jeff walked bay thought the kiddie door at the end of the appointment. The nurses said they wished they had a picture of that since no parent has done that before, I wish I would have had my camera out in time!
This is the bronze door handle into the patient rooms, its neat!
I just had to post this picture. It was taken in utah at my sisters new house, yet again bay is at a window looking out into the world, it was just too cute!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring break summary

First of all spring break is way too short! I dont know who it is that figured a week is enough but it is not if you ask me! Here is the lowdown for what we did while daddy was working and in wildland firefighter training classes...
who knows why kids do some of the things that they do
I just thought this picture was cute and showcased his eyes and eyelashes

This spring break Bay and I went on a little trip to see my lil prego sis and help her get moved in a settled! By the way her house is amazing and is soo nice we loved being able to spend time with her and see her and her husband. She is pregnant and is due in like 2 months so it was neat to be able to see her little one move and see her super cute baby...
grandma and bay playing around
bay with grandpa... all clean after his bath

after our trip down south we came back with my parents and spent a day or two with them eating yummy food, hanging out at borders and playing with the bay. Its too bad that the time went by so fast, we wish so badly that we lived closer I miss my siblings and parents . I just am so greatful that we are able to go and see each other periodically those times are so special no matter what we do together!