Thursday, February 26, 2009

back to work

This week I have gained yet another reason for appreciating parents, only this time it is for parents that have more than one child. I have gone "back to work" so to speak this week as I started caring for my little niece as well as my little one.

I figure this is good prep for having more kids down the road, and a way that I can contribute financially for our family. My cherished naps are a thing of the past, and early bed times are a must. But all in all, things are going well as I have survived my first week caring for two sweet little babies.
I have to explain this one, bay was playing with my flip flops and somehow got it stuck on his leg, it was really funny because he left it there for awhile until it made him mad when he tried to crawl across the room.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

great friends = great times

We have again been busy this week but have the chance to do some fun things. On Tuesday Bay and I met up with our friend "Auntie Paige" and had lunch at Red Robin. It had been a very long time so we had some catching up to do. There is nothing better than spending time with old friends.
I also did some picture taking for Valentines Day here is one of the cute pictures I took. Notice his cute dinosaur Valentines Day shirt...thanks grandma for helping us make it! Turns out they don't make very cute boy clothes for Valentines day so we made our own.

last week in review

Last week was pretty busy for us. Jeff worked 5 days straight so essentially I was a single parent for half the week. Let me just say parenting is so a two person job. I admire the strength and fortitude that single parents possess, as well as am so grateful for such a wonderful spouse. These photos illustrate what we have been up to...
Bay and whiskers have been bonding...I think she likes to be near him because he is warm and snuggly
At station 5 they have an old stutz antique but still functional firetruck, bay thought it was really neat. I guess that its still even drivable and they use it for events parades ect.
I found a Jr. firefighter hat (which Bay didn't mind wearing, can you believe it?) so we took a few pictures with daddy.
Friday evening we spent time with Candace Chad and Emma, we got take out and just visited. Bay was very interested in his little cousin, which is a good thing since we will be seeing quite a bit of her soon
Bay and I went for a walk and did a real test of our baby carrier and it passed with flying colors. Thanks Adam and Amy we love it! It works so well the last few times that we have used it Bay has fallen asleep...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

camel's back park

Since it was actually warm outside (warm as a relative term meaning low 40's) and Jeff had the day off we decided to go to a park in the north end of Boise called camel's back park. By the time we got there it cooled down and a breeze picked a result our walk was cut short since Bay's nose turned red and his eyes were watering we felt soo bad. I guess its still just to cold for even a short walk still.

This are is one of the most beautiful and historic parts of Boise. The view from the top of the hill is amazing on a sunny and clear day. You can see why they say that Boise is the city of trees. It makes me laugh when people say that after growing up in Oregon, but I guess its trees per square mile and it does have quite a few.This park is really neat! It has lots of trails along the foothills and a great grassy area and a playground. During the summer the city has lots of festivals and events in the park.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

our visit to oregon

Our time in Oregon with my parents was wonderful. The majority of our visit was spent playing with Bay and hanging around the house with a few shopping trips sprinkled in the mix. Bay sure didnt seem to mind the attention and all the hugs and kisses.
While at my parents Bay really took to this spider finger puppet. I guess Bay's cousin Talmage was terrified with it but Bay seemed to think that it was great. It will be interesting to see if Bay is scared of it in 9 to 10 months...I guess we will just have to wait and see

jet planes

I have never had flying anxiety til I had to fly with my son. You have so much more to think about when you are taking care of someone other than yourself. Luckily I have a sweet little baby that seems to always make it easier than I thought it would be.

I had to post these two pictures, the first because it was cool to fly in a plane that represented Oregon State University, and the other because it was cute to watch Bay take it the view as we flew back to Boise...
Finally, I want to say thankyou to my husband for giving Bay and I to have had this wonderful opportunity...Honey you truely are wonderful and we love you more than anything.