Saturday, January 24, 2009

First Swim

Okay so we realize that our son is too small to "swim" (unless you are one of those crazies who think that in utero is the same as a pool, which I beg to differ) but we took him into the pool for the first time at the rec center.
As expected he loved it. He was very into splashing and jumping up and down in the water but was not into having the water splash back into his face. It was fun even though we realized he is still a bit little to swim.
We did learn that he is his mothers daughter and loves to be in the was fun, we cant wait til summer to really get him in the water more.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

wild hair

notice his two little choppers on the bottom. Daddy calls them his little shark teeth.

I couln't resist posting made me laugh. Funny thing was it dried straight up on top too!Also notice the long baby hairs on top too funny!

saturday surprise

Jeff called me as he drove up to the house and told me that I needed to look outside...the forecast did not call for snow so I already knew it would be bad... this is what lay waiting... now keep in mind that no one knows where we live so we were chosen at random...nice huh? The best part were the eggs broken over piles of rice...that was the worst to clean up. It took just shy of 2 hours to clean up the 13 rolls of toilet paper that they decorated with...what a mess...

Hopefully we will not have the pleasure of getting to clean anything like this up again...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

new foods

Bay started solid foods the day after Christmas and has progressed to baby food as of now... He is doing well. We have given him bananas and sweet potatoes. He loves them! Its sure been a fun experience so far...
Remember how I told you that he makes that face frequently? Here is just another picture...
Who knew that having a baby would be such a roller coaster...but we love the ride.

Friday, January 9, 2009

parenthood more commonly known as chaos

our problem is more commonly known as our child Bay...turn out he is in to anything and everything now... and it is making me crazy. He is pulling himself up onto everything, putting everything into his mouth, chewing in everything, yelling incessantly and getting into the plants...Oh and did I mention that he hates his crib...and that is just the tip of the iceberg. But since he is so darn cute you can't even be mad for a second you just have to let it roll and smile.This is a typical expression these days that we see...big blue eyes and no bottom lip it makes me laugh every time.