Monday, September 21, 2009

recent photos

I admit that I am so far behind on my blog that I am embarassed so I will just start with the random recent photos that I have taken of things that we have been up to. This first photo was taken at the park where we had Bay's birthday party. This tongue look is pretty typical these days I like to call it the "lizard look". We have no idea why his tongue is always out but it is...he is a strange one sometimes.
This next photo is funny because we brought this baby bouncer over to our house from Candace and Chad's with hopes to get Emma in it but look who likes it more than her. Yes he climbs in there and sometimes out by himself. He has spend way more time in there now than Emma has so far. I guess it is good that someone is liking it so much huh?
Finally the helmet photo. While we were at REI one night looking at helmets I decided to snap this photo because I thought his giggling and laughing over the helmet on his head were cute.

Well that is all for now. I promise as long as our internet cooperates that we will post more pictures again soon..rach


cheryl said...

Oh is he just the cutest little boy?!!!! Who would have guessed that dark headed baby would now be a blondie! I guess that is what your hair did though. He looks so much like you when you were a toddler except through the mouth.......but he does have some of the same facial expressions you had. You never had a tongue thing. The tongue must be'll have to ask Debbie about that. Love the photo of him in Emma's toy. He looks like he loves it that he is so smart and can get in and out of it at will. Another thing to climb on? Why wouldn't Bay love that?!!!

Annie. said...

Love the photos. He is such a cutie! I should have taken some family photos for you guys while you were here in Utah. We need to do that again.