Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Carmela's Vineyard

Over last weekend we went down to Glenn's Ferry Idaho to celebrate Jeff's mom's birthday which coincidentally falls on the same day as my mom's birthday...what are the odds? We met at Carmela's vineyard/golf course for a nice family lunch. The picture below is of the clubhouse/restaurant, we are hoping to do some golfing out there when it warms up.The vineyard is right on the edge of the canyon so the views are beautiful and provides a nice setting for a get together. It is also half way between our homes so that is a nice for everyone. We had a great lunch and were able to celebrate Debbie's Birthday with Jeff's family and Bay got to see one of his great grandma's again.


Annie. said...

Sounds like a good place to meet for the family! I can't believe how big Bay is, by the way. Sheesh! He got HUGE!

cheryl said...

Cute Photo.....That is nice you got to celebrate with Debbie. What is with the looks from Bay and Emma? It just had to make me laugh at how seriousness they are. Cute to see them holding their grandaughter and grandson.