Thursday, January 19, 2012

Christmas with Jeff's Family

Since Jeff worked Christmas day we were not able to go to Jeff's Grandma's house this year to celebrate Christmas with his family. We kept thinking there would be a time that we would be able to get together with Jeff's parents to exchange gifts but it never happened. Gerry, Jeff's dad came into town for a conference and we exchanged gifts with just him. I felt bad that Debbie wasn't able to come down and see Bay open his gifts. I tried my best to capture photos of him opening his gifts and his excitement for his new toys. Here are a few pics from opening gifts and our evening with Grandpa Gerry.Makena loves her new fleece blanket that Grandma Debbie made. Notice the beautiful crochet edging she does on them. She does a really great job on them
Bay opening his Leapster Explorer...Such a great education game. We can hardly get him to stop playing it.We have had to set limits on the amount of play time he likes it so much.
You can always tell which gifts are from Grandpa Gerry because they have a BSU (Boise State University) theme.
We can't wait for the weather to warm up so we can go to a park and play with the ball more.
Thankyou Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Gerry for all the wonderful Christmas presents. We wished we could have all gotten together and celebrated the holidays together.

1 comment:

cheryl said...

I KNOW Bay loves his Leapster! Every time I call him he tells me about it! He was sure excited to tell me about his ball too!