Saturday, January 21, 2012

World Center for Birds of Prey

I am always searching for fun free educational activities that we can go and do. We are fortunate to live in an area that has a lot to offer. Boise is home to the largest migration route of birds in the northern hemisphere. There is a place called Lucky Peak where they have banding station. Throughout the spring they have volunteers stay up through the night and help catch and put identification bands on birds for scientific purposes. Since Boise is home to such a great variety of bird species and such large numbers of them The World Center for Birds of Prey set up shop in town. If you ever come to Boise it is not to be missed.

The center has all sorts of educational activities and birds to look at and learn about. Today they waived admission and had fun activities for the kids to participate in. I decided to get Bay out of the house for a few hours so we invited some friends, packed up and headed to the hills to check out some birds. Jeff's sister Candace and her daughter Emma, as well as the Craig Family. The Craig's are our favorite babysitters and wonderful friends. They have 5 kids that adore Bay and Makena. It is so nice to have developed new family friends that enjoy our kids so much! Luigi, a Harpy Eagle
Queenie, an Eurasian Eagle-owl
Peregrine Falcon
Bay and Emma wrestling. Someday Bay will discover that Emma is a girl and probably won't want to be tackled. For now she tolerates it and I think secretly likes it. I am glad they have each other to play with and we live close to each other even if they don't always get along perfectly
Bay and Caden checking out the bronze giant bird nest. Cassi's wingspan...She is the one that adores Makena and loves when I let them babysit because she gets to hold her. She also loves playing with Bay and he really likes her as well.
James. Their oldest boy. I don;t know him very well but I know that all of the boys like when Bay comes over and they get to show him all kinds of cool new boy toys and games.
Jonathon the middle boy. He is a nice kids like all the others. Bay seems to like to play with all of the boys.
Caden the youngest of the Craig family. He loved exploring the birds and doing activities with Bay while we were there.
Jessica the oldest daughter. I think that she is a junior in high school. Sweet girl.
California Condor. Such an amazing bird. They have a breeding program at the center.
Bay holding a very large spiny pine cone.
Notice the sign. This is one of the many times that Bay caused trouble while we were there. A bunch of other kids noticed he was on the fence and made a big deal about it....but it wasn't a big deal.
Peregrine Falcon. The fastest animal in the entire world. Clocked at speeds over 220 mph.
Sheri helping bay put on some wings. If you notice he picked the only set that has a 9 feet wingspan. Yet another place and area in the center where we got in trouble...

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