Thursday, May 21, 2009

another year older

Why does time move by so quickly...As I kid it seemed so much slower. Sometimes I miss being a kid, then again having a kid is kinda like being a kid all over again! I just celebrated my 27th year. Who knew that in 27 years you could have done so much and still have so much you still want to do.

As I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep I couldn't help but be grateful for all the things that I have been blessed with. My birthday always seems to remind me of my blessings. I think having my family call me, and my husband spoil me each year helps reminds me to be humble and thankful for what I have in my life. I think this year as I looked next to me in bed I felt even more thankful as I looked at my beautiful son sleeping nestled against my wonderful husbands chest. I think that is one of my favorite things, my baby boy and his daddy sleeping side by side.
I cant believe he is almost a year old, look at how fast time has gone by
I had a great birthday I was so spoiled... Candace filled the house with little notes for me saying happy birthday, she is so sweet and thoughtful, My families called me to tell me that they were thinking of me, Jeff brought me lunch. He also arranged for a babysitter so we could go see a movie together. He made me a great dinner, and spoiled me with sweet thoughtful gifts, and a decadent piece of chocolate was fantastic. Thank you everyone for making my day so special!


Annie. said...

This post made me cry. You ARE blessed Rachel - so blessed! And I hope you know how many people love you so very much! I'm glad you had a great birthday and I'm also glad that my being late on sending your present can extend the gifts and celebrations a little longer. :)

I am so looking forward to watching my baby and his daddy snuggle up together just like that. Talon is so excited to meet his little boy, and it's just adorable. I think he'll be almost as cute a daddy as Jeff is to Bay. :)

Leah said...

Happy Belated Birthday Cuz! It sounds like you had a great one!