Tuesday, May 12, 2009

this years spring..

This years spring has been anything but normal...one day its fantastic weather and hot then next it freezes overnight and is cold and windy...where is our nice spring weather that we have been waiting so patiently for? We went this weekend and bought all of our plants but we do not dare put them in the ground since it is going to freeze again tonight, that and we don't want to get them into the ground until we will be able to take care of them daily...I guess that we will wait til the end of the month and just keep babying our veggi starts. i cant wait to have a garden! The lilac bushes on the other hand are out of this world here. I have never in my life seen them grow anywhere quite like this. The best part is they are super low maintenance. This bush I am not exaggerating is about 15 feet high. Just look at all those blossoms. There were 5 bushes like this surrounding the house. Now just imagine what it would be like to open your windows and smell their scent in your home at night or after a rain storm...mmmm...

1 comment:

Annie. said...

Those lilacs are CRAZY! Oooh, I wish I could smell them! We were just talking about what kind of plants we want to put into our yard when we do it, and there were 2 requirements on my list: lilacs and hydrangeas. Oh, and tomatoes and rhubarb in the garden.

That's funny that you've had such crazy weather!